Why can a paper lose its sizing?
Sizing is what gives water resistance to a
sheet of paper and can also help improve surface strength. All of our papers
are internally sized with a neutral/alkaline sizing agent (a.k.d). Others also
have a surface size applied. There are different types of sizing depending on
what paper you use. Our Saunders Waterford range has a gelatin surface sizing. Bockingford
has a starch solution, and Somerset doesn’t have surface sizing.
There are a variety of factors when it comes to
a sheet losing its sizing, or the sizing becoming ‘patchy’. The biggest problem
is usually contamination of some kind. Numerous types of contamination can
cause this.
Soaking and stretching paper in a bath is one example.
The sheets sizing can be affected by residue left from shampoo, soaps, etc. These
chemicals are detergents which break down the water resistance. This will eat
into the sizing and break it down.
Contamination from washing brushes poorly can also
cause problems. Here are a few other reasons for a paper becoming overly
absorbent and sizing being affected.
Environmental pollution - High temperatures increase
chemical reactions. Acids from the environment like air pollution, react and
degrade the sizing. Hence all our sheets are buffered with calcium carbonate.
Storage - There are times when older paper may have
sizing problems. Especially if not stored correctly. Papers stored in the right
conditions are able to last a vast amount of time. Maybe even hundreds of
Humidity can cause the sizing to degrade. Moisture in
the air can also increase chemical reactions. Over a period of time this can
weaken the paper and cause a loss of strength.
Light - Sunlight and UV light can be extremely damaging
to paper. These can cause a paper to fade and adversely affect sizing.
Always store paper in a cool dry place, preferably
away from direct light.
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